A Path to Creativity and Love
A Path to Creativity and Love
Welcome to my creative space.. This is a place to share my experience of the sacred -- through writing and artwork. I believe that everybody is creative and that when we live from our creative center we are happier, more fulfilled human beings.. By sitting quietly and turning inward, we align with Spirit; we taste the spaciousness, light and love to be found in the silence within -- the Source of everything. We are all incarnations of a Divine Presence, and we all have something of beauty and value to bring forth. Whether it be writing, painting, gardening, knitting or just living an inspired and creative life, we are the happiest and the healthiest when we are true to our inner voice.. When we learn to trust in the guidance of our own loving hearts, the rough edges soften and our lives take on a natural and easy flow and luster. We become a blessing to ourselves and others..
My creative endeavors are categorized below as Publications, Gallery and Classes.. Thank you for taking the time to explore my creative space so that you will connect deeply with yours.. It is my desire to inspire you to find the truth, beauty and innocence residing in your own heart and the passion that feeds your soul. Should you wish guidance and support on your journey, please contact me to find out more about counseling, workshops and retreat opportunities..

Radiance Sutra Meditation
Join us for weekly meditations based on the luminous “Radiance Sutras,” a contemporary rendition by Lauren Roche Ph.D., of the “Vijnana Bhairava,” an ancient compendium of meditation practices. A sutra is a compact phrase, originally in Sanskrit, saturated with spiritual meaning and energy. Something like a time-release capsule, a sutra must be imbibed slowly to incorporate its full transmission. Lauren has taken these traditional Sanskrit sutras and converted them into English that is breathtakingly lyrical and poetic, bringing the teachings wildly alive for a modern audience.
Each week we read a sutra and related passages and let the material inform a 25-minute meditation, then we share with each other what has emerged from the stillness, opening our hearts to the deeper wisdom that comes to the fore..
We meet either on Zoom or in person on Tuesdays at 2:30. For further information, contact Sandy at [email protected].
Join us for weekly meditations based on the luminous “Radiance Sutras,” a contemporary rendition by Lauren Roche Ph.D., of the “Vijnana Bhairava,” an ancient compendium of meditation practices. A sutra is a compact phrase, originally in Sanskrit, saturated with spiritual meaning and energy. Something like a time-release capsule, a sutra must be imbibed slowly to incorporate its full transmission. Lauren has taken these traditional Sanskrit sutras and converted them into English that is breathtakingly lyrical and poetic, bringing the teachings wildly alive for a modern audience.
Each week we read a sutra and related passages and let the material inform a 25-minute meditation, then we share with each other what has emerged from the stillness, opening our hearts to the deeper wisdom that comes to the fore..
We meet either on Zoom or in person on Tuesdays at 2:30. For further information, contact Sandy at [email protected].
Poems, Prayers and Paintings for the Spiritual Journey This volume contains writings and images conceived and brought forth after prolonged meditation. The artwork and poetry has the capacity to lift your spirits and transport you to a place of connection with the sacred. The prayers are geared to a particular outcome and can shift consciousness and help dissolve apparent obstacles to a happier, more fulfilling life.. |
Food for the Spirit Art can touch places deep inside that words cannot penetrate.. Conceived and created in a deeply meditative state, the works of art in this gallery can be vehicles to escape the mind's busy chatter and enter into relationship with the Power and Presence that emerges in the stillness.. In this capacity they serve as, yantras, -- objects of meditation -- or they can simply be used to impart a taste of the sacred to an altar or room.. |